Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dumbing Down America Almost Complete

Yip! There is arsenic in your rice. Is that bad? I guess. It sure sounds bad. As points out, "There are no federal limits for the amount of arsenic that's acceptable in food. So it's impossible to know if eating arsenic at these levels is a problem.".

Yet, we have laws about seat belts and cellphones. America is slowly dumbing itself down so slowly. We will actually be living in a world like Idiocracy. In no time at all we will be trying to grow plants with Gatorade and thinking smart people are "fags".

Just think of it. Why is it that often large families are so poor? If you don't have much money, how can you support a large number of kids. On the other hand, most people with common sense and an education, realize having children cost money and if they do have children, they may have 2 or 3 at the most.

Years ago, farming families had large families in order to survive and run the farm. These days, that is somewhat rare. Half the country eats junkfood these days and think McDonalds is the grocery store.

While I don't agree with limiting drinks to 16 onces, like they have don't in NYC, I never did understand how people could get a fountain drink that was 36 or 44 onces. Looking at someone holding such a large drink - in a paper cup, nonetheless, looked plain stupid to me.

I guess it all started with the government regulating tobacco. You might remember, the government supposedly got billions of dollars for healthcare due to all the uninformed people smoking. They needed that money to take care of the smokers. Well, that money went somewhere. No one is quite sure where. States then decided to really jack up the taxes on booze. They needed that money to help with all the alcoholics that would have medical problems and also "get them help".

Now the fat, obese are the target. Isn't it funny, the government comes up with these "ideas" and certain people say, "that's a great idea. that's no good for them". Then they turn around and they are a target for some new law that targets people's individual choices. Just a loss of more freedom.

Have you ever thought about the law making process? Well, everyday - ok, weekdays anyway - laws are being drawn up on a local, county, state, and national level. Right here in the good old USA. Keep in mind, you have so many government agencies that come up with their own laws that don't even have to pass a committee and you realize that is a lot of new laws. At what point does a free country become a unfree country.

The whole notion that we live in a free country and yet have only two major political parties is a joke. Why do people view politics like sports, "My party is right, your party is wrong", "Romney is going to crush Obama. Oh! Yeah! (<--High Fives guy next to him)" . This country slowly just gets worse by the year. We will probably be living in mud huts within 30 years.

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