Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jersey Shore More Junk TV

Who in the hell is watching the Jersey Shore? This has to be the most obnoxious show on television.
A bunch of twenty-somethings that love tanning to the point of being orange, have an average IQ of 20
and possibly might be retarded. A guy who calls himself "The Situation". What the hell does that mean?
Another guy who is a "DJ". When does he DJ? A pleasantly plump girl who calls herself "Snooki". It
just doesn't sound good.

Remember when MTV played music. Somehow they have forgotten this and continue to make crappy
reality shows that are plain awful. I believe this continues to contribute to the dumbing down of America.
Do young Americans watch this show and say, "I want to be like that"? God help us all if they do.

Todays world of instant gratification and gaining wealth for no good reason - no hard work, talent, intelligence, or having goals, continues to show the decline in society. When these bimbos become
idols the future is doomed.

Such a retarded, fake show that somehow has millions of viewers. Is it because the show is like a train
wreck. People know they shouldn't watch but somehow can't turn away. If you are an advertiser, do you
really want your product or service associated with the show?

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